Monitoring and Results Measurement
Syeda Samira Saif is a Monitoring and Results Measurement (MRM) practitioner with 15 years of experience in the field of market systems development and economic growth. She has designed and managed DCED compliant MRM systems for a number of large multi-country market systems development programmes such as the Market Development Facility spanning across 6 countries. In management capacity she led a team of 10 MRM specialists across the different country programs and provided guidance and quality assurance of good MRM practices for over 200 interventions across multiple sectors. This included designing and/or reviewing theory of change for different sectors and interventions, ensuring integration of WEE into MRM practices, developing indicators, projections of results and measurement plans to test assumptions, designing attribution strategies and conducting both short monitoring and large impact assessments to measure change for strategic decisions and reporting.
In her consulting capacity, she has developed MRM frameworks (program theory of change, program targets, reporting indicators, MRM manual for staff) for a number of market systems, livelihoods and gender lens investing programs such as FCDO funded Prospero II in Zambia, multiple country programs for IFC Gender and Economic Inclusion Unit, SIPPO Serbia and ARISE gender lens investing program supported by Global Affairs Canada. Alongside designing and implementing MRM systems, she has led multiple country specific scoping studies and thematic research using mixed methods and conducted 4 OECD-DAC compliant program evaluations (final and formative) focused on gendered outcomes in the Pacific, South Caucasus Region, Jordan, Tanzania and Uganda. A core component of the evaluations was to review program theory of change, review of targets and assess MRM processes to capture results and inform program decision-making. She has also developed Women’s Economic Empowerment frameworks and advised GESI integration on a range of market systems programs and NGOs (e.g. World Vision Australia and CESO Canada). She is also a trainer for the Springfield Centre offering the MEL training component of the Market Systems Training that is hosted twice a year targeting development practitioners, globally.